A Sample Syllabus for an “Introduction to International and Global Studies”



  1. Sample Syllabus


This section includes a sample syllabus for a ten-week (quarter) term. This syllabus lends itself to the use of a course management system or course shell that is partially electronic. We recommend posting as much electronically as your institution will allow and as you are comfortable formatting. Recommendations for audiovisual resources for each chapter are contained within the detailed chapter comments that follow.


This syllabus was originally piloted in WEBCT and Blackboard. We use the phrase “Course Management System” throughout the syllabus in place of something as specific as “Blackboard.” Information in brackets [ ] indicates a recommendation for what to do during that class period. Specific films and DVDs are listed under further chapter ideas. There is no essay exam or quiz offered for the political globalization chapter, but sample questions are included under the specific chapter comments.



Introduction to International Studies

Winter 2011


Course description: This is an entry-level course designed for prospective international and global studies majors. There are four components we will work on simultaneously:


-Discipline-based concepts, analytical tools, research theories, and ideologies

-Region-based information, perspectives, issues, and theories

-Content topics revolving around food, energy, language, health, security, and    environment

-Global knowledge and issues surrounding development and globalization


By the end of the course, you will have enhanced your:


-State-of-the-planet awareness

-Consciousness of differing perspectives

-Understanding of world issues and trends

-Understanding of your personal connection, the NW connection, and the

     American connection to global issues we study


You also will have increased your knowledge concerning:


-Resources in your potential discipline

-Resources specific to your region

-Traditional information sources

-Alternative information sources


Required course textbook: Shawn Smallman and Kimberley Brown, Introduction to International and Global Studies (University of North Carolina Press, 2015). Available at the campus bookstore.


Disabilities: If you are a student with a documented disability and registered with the Disability Resource Center, please contact me immediately to facilitate arranging academic accommodations.



  1. Quiz 1: chapter 2 (History) (20 points)


  1. Take-home assignment: chapters 3 (Economic Globalization) and 4 (Political Globalization) (40 points)


  1. Take-home assignment: chapters 5 (Cultural Globalization) and 6 (Development) (40 points)


  1. Quiz 2: chapter 7 (Security) (20 points)


  1. Quiz 3: Chapter 8 (Food) (20 points)


  1. Take-home assignment: chapters 9 (Health) and 10 (Energy) (40 points)


  1. In-class exam: chapter 11 (Environment); questions given out ahead of time but exam to be written during our last class period (20 points)


  1. Attendance and class participation: (40 points)


Total: 220 points


Basic grade cutoffs:   A: 90%

B: 80%

C: 70%

D: 60%


Note: You may substitute attendance at and a written reflection on an international lecture for either or both of the quizzes. You can also take the quizzes and go to a maximum of two lectures to simply bank extra points. The reflections are a required part of attending the lectures. Please note attendance at the lectures is not required. It is all up to you.


Class Protocol:

  1. Attendance is required. Three unexcused absences lowers your grade by half a grade. Four to six unexcused absences lowers your grade a full grade. More than six unexcused absences results in your failing the class. Please contact me or our TA if you will be absent.


  1. Please contact me or our TA ahead of time if you are having difficulty with the take-home assignments.


  1. All out-of-class work is due on the dates indicated IN CLASS; grades go down half a grade for each day the assignment is late. Papers turned in after the beginning of class time on the day due automatically go down half a grade.


  1. All take-home papers must follow APA Reference Notation. A handout will be given out in class and posted on the Course Management System as well; assistance is also available at the Writing Center in Cramer Hall.



Tentative Calendar


Note: This schedule may be subject to change pending availability of films and class discussions of readings.


Week 1—Introduction and History

            Monday: course introduction and icebreaker; what is international studies?

                        Homework: read chapters 1 (Introduction) and 2 (History)

            Wednesday: discuss chapter 2 (History)

                        Homework: read chapter 3 (Economic globalization)

Week 2—Economic Globalization

            Monday: QUIZ—History; discuss chapter 3

Homework: finish chapter 3

Wednesday: [longer chapter activity in class]: [YouTube clips—Stiglitz or other globalization clips or DVD, Life and Debt]

Homework: read chapter 4 (Political Globalization)

Week 3—Political Globalization

            Monday: MLK holiday—no class

                        Homework: finish chapter 4

            Wednesday-Discuss Political Globalization

                        Homework: read chapter 5 (Cultural Globalization)

Week 4—Cultural Globalization


                        Homework: [Go over basic ideology terms]

Wednesday: Continue chapter 5 discussion + activities in class; [YouTube videos on international hip-hop, Ken Saro Wiwa website, or Millenium Music website presented in chapter activities

                        Homework: chapter 6 (Development)

Week 5—Development

            Monday: discuss chapter 6

                        Homework: finish case study on Ladakh

            Wednesday: discussion- Ladakh case study

                        Homework: read chapter 7 (Security); Finish Take-home Cultural Globalization and Development          

Week 6—Security


                        Homework: prepare for quiz

            Wednesday: Quiz: Security

                        Homework: read chapter 8 (Food)

Week 7—Food

            Monday: discuss chapter 8; films: coffee and cocoa

            Wednesday: chocolate tasting; finish chapter 8

                        Homework: chapter 9 (Health)

Week 8—Health

            Monday: Quiz – Food; global health DVD

                        Homework: finish chapter 9


                        Homework: read chapter 10 (Energy)

Week 9 (2/22, 2/24)—Energy

            Monday: Oil Sands DVD

            Wednesday: read chapter 11 (Environment)

Week 10—Environment

            Monday: EXAM 3 DUE: HEALTH AND ENERGY

DVD: Blue Gold

           Wednesday: discuss chapter 11

                        Homework: read chapters 12 (Where to Go Next) and 13 (Conclusion)

Week 11—Global Citizenship and Careers in the International Arena

            Monday: discuss chapters 12,13


                        Homework: finish exam question outline


Exam Week

Exam Date: Finals Week: Monday, March 15, 12:30 pm . One-hour exam on chapter 11 (Environment; questions up on Course Management system).


Note: for the exam, you may bring in one sheet of paper with notes. You may NOT write out full answers to the question, but you can write out a full thesis statement responding to the question. You will be turning this sheet in with your exam.

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